Behind The Scenes AW18 - The Art Class

A photo shoot has tension hanging all over it. It’s not rehearsed and, even though it’s been planned, nothing comes together until the last minute.

Behind the scenes, photoshoot, ally capellino

The photographer, and assistant work on the lighting with the art director. 

The set designer begins the build and the models are clothed and reviewed before disappearing into hair and makeup.   

BTS AW18  photoshoot Ally Capellino
The Art Class photoshoot wardrobe
The Art Class photoshoot hair and makeup

A table is laid with breakfast and people pick at croissants and fruit. 

Assistants get on with painting sets or ironing garments while bags are being stuffed to perfection.  

Testing the lighting and the set it most important and its not usually until after lunch that we actually begin to shoot. 


Behind The Scenes AW18 - The Art Class

Until then the models flop around and play or chat on their phones.  

Suddenly people who looked almost like you and me turn it on and earn their keep

During most of the day anyone might get their head bitten off if things are difficult, but gradually everything comes together. 

By the time it’s a wrap it’s all a general 'love in' with congratulations and hugs all round. 

Ally Capellino AW18 lookbook
Sketch by ally capellino
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